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Soutenance de thèse d’Ana Struillou

Objects on the Move : The Material Culture of Travel in the Western Mediterranean (1530-1640)

Ana Struillou is honoured to invite you to the defence of her doctoral thesis prepared under the supervision of Giorgio Riello and Guillaume Calafat. The thesis is titled ‘Objects on the Move : The Material Culture of Travel in the Western Mediterranean (1530-1640)’.

The defence will take place on Tuesday 10 October 2023 at 14.00 CEST in Villa Salviati (Sala dei Levrieri), at the European University Institute (Florence), in front of the following jury :

  • Guillaume Calafat, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.
  • Giancarlo Casale, European University Institute, Florence.
  • Mercedes García-Arenal, CSIC, Madrid.
  • Giorgio Riello, European University Institute, Florence.

The defence should last about 2:30 hours and will be conducted in English.

For those who may not be able to attend in person, a Zoom version will be made available.

For those attending in person, drinks will be provided after the end of the defence and will be followed by an informal dinner.

Whether you plan to attend in person or on Zoom, it is necessary to register via the following link : https://www.eui.eu/events?id=561277

Do not hesitate to contact Ana Struillou should you have any questions.

Publié le 21 septembre 2023

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