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Animal bodies in science, art and commerce in early modern Europe

Animal bodies in science, art and commerce in early modern EuropeAnimal bodies in science, art and commerce in early modern Europe

Colloque international organisé par Rafael Mandressi (Centre Alexandre Koyné, EHESS-CNRS-MNHN), Alan Ross (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Silvia Sebastiani (EHESS-CRH) et Pierre Serna (Université Paris 1, IHRF-IHMC).

Vendredi 11 et samedi 12 décembre 2015.
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Under den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin. Bâtiment principal, Room : 2249a (Universitäts-Hauptgebäude).

Télécharger le programme (pdf)



Friday, 11 December

9.00 am
Welcome and introduction to the workshop

9.15 am
Laurence Talairach-Vielmas (Toulouse)
"We were obliged to take Harry to see the wild beasts at Exeter Exchange” : Exotic animals, children’s education and polite culture in Georgian Britain.

Sarah Cockram (Glasgow)
Interspecies affection and proximity to companion animal bodies at the Renaissance court.

Coffee break

Alan Ross (Paris/ Berlin)
The metamorphosis of the body. Simians and conservation techniques, 1660‐1840.

Marieke Hendriksen (Groningen)
Singular to serial : collecting animal preparations and the evolution of comparative anatomy in the eighteenth century.


Emma Spary (Cambridge)
Cannibals, carnivores and revolutionaries : negotiating the ‘natural’ diet in eighteenth-century France.

Malik Mellah (Paris)
The rural economy in France during the Directory (1795-1799) : a science of the body of the live animal ?

Rafael Mandressi (Paris)
The Politics of Animal Anatomy in Turgot’s France : Rinderpest, the “Massacre Général” of Cattle and Anatomical Experiments in Félix Vicq d’Azyr’s endeavor to build a Comparative Medicine.

Coffee break

Panel discussion : Alan Ross, Silvia Sebastiani, Pierre Serna
Animals and the history of the body

Keynote lecture
Daniel Roche (Collège de France, Paris)
La plus belle conquête de l’homme : du corps des chevaux aux corps du cavalier.

Saturday, 12 December

Andrew Wells (Göttingen)
Painful Experiments : Reproduction, Knowledge, and Identity in the Case of Mary Toft, "The Rabbit Woman of Godalming".

Silvia Sebastiani (Paris)
Aping the Enlightenment : human/animal boundaries in the age of British abolitionism.

Coffee break

Christian Jaser (Berlin)
Bodies of Speed : Magic, Veterinary Medicine and the Performance of Racehorses in Italy and Germany (15th-16th centuries).

Pierre Serna (Paris)
Reproduction or sexuality ? "Voyeurisme" and science at the French Museum of Paris 1793-1820".


Publié le 17 novembre 2015, mis a jour le jeudi 3 août 2023

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