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Material cultures and forced displacement of populations around 1922

Photography : Interior of a refugees’ home in Kaisariani, Centre for Asia Minor Studies

Monday, 24th October 2022

Salle des conférences de l’EFA
Rue Didotou 6
10680 Athènes (Grèce)

École française d’Athènes / Centre for Asia Minor Studies / Centre CNRS-InVisu / Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine

Workshop organized by Angelos Dalachanis, Dimitris Kamouzis and Mercedes Volait as part of “Destins d’objets. La circulation des traces matérielles du passé de l’Antiquité à nos jours”, a research project that received the “ResEFE Label”.


08.45 - 09.00 | Welcome by Gilles de Rapper (École française d’Athènes)

09.00 - 09.15 | Introduction by Angelos Dalachanis (CNRS-IHMC) & Dimitris Kamouzis (Centre for Asia Minor Studies)

Session 1 : The changing status of objects

Chair : Mercedes Volait

09.15 - 10.00 | The Refugee Relics : Sacred Heirlooms or Historical Records

Anna Ballian (Benaki Museum)

10.00 - 10.45 | From Holy Shrines to Hallow Show Cases : the Museification of Refugees’Heirlooms in Greek National Museums after the Lausanne Convention

Anastasia Drandaki (National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens)

10.45 - 11.15 | Coffee break

11.15 - 12.00 | Fleeing Objects : Refugee Histories and Memories from Asia Minor

Eleni Kyramargiou (National Hellenic Research Foundation)

12.00 - 14.00 | Lunch break

Session 2 : Aspects of materiality between Asia Minor and Greece

Chair : Angelos Dalachanis

14.00 - 14.45 | Digging Politics in Asia Minor : Acts and Omissions of the Greek Archaeological Service in Asia Minor 1919-1922

Stelios Lekakis (McCord Centre, Newcastle University)

14.45 - 15.30 | Substance Consumption Among the 1922 Refugees : Trends, Utensils, Representations

Kostis Gkotsinas (National Hellenic Research Foundation)

15.30 - 16.00 | Coffee break

Session 3 : Μateriality and Urban Landscapes

Chair : Dimitris Kamouzis

16.00 - 16.45 | Mapping Ghosts : On the Demolished Greek Legacy of Urla

Ela Çil Izmir (Institute of Technology - HOMEACROSS) & Nurşen Kul Izmir (Institute of Technology)

16.45 - 17.30 | Materiality in the graphic novel “Aïvali”


17.30 - 18.00 | Discussion

Publié le 18 octobre 2022, mis a jour le jeudi 9 février 2023

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